Welcome to our website!
"Let them know that it is your hand, that you, O Lord, have done it!"
Psalm 109:27
Upcoming Conferences, Reservations
rendesgazda Wed, 04/06/2022 - 11:43
- Dr. Ian Hamilton - Lessons from the Scottish Reformation - April 11-14
- Dr. Joel R. Beeke - Spiritual Growth - May 17-19
How can you help?
rendesgazda Tue, 03/01/2022 - 19:20
The article below is taken from the webpage of our Budapest church. You can find the latest updates here: https://budapestipresb.hu/#blog If you would like to contribute to help the refugees and the need in Ukraine, please find the details at the end of this article.
Pastor's Conference 2019
rendesgazda Sat, 09/07/2019 - 18:36
Pastor’s Conference
October 7-10, 2019, Budapest, Hungary
Lecturer: Dr. Joseph A. Pipa
The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for pastors from confessional churches in Europe to learn about and discuss practical aspects of the pastoral ministry and enjoy Christian fellowship. Click here for more details about the conference.

How can you get saved?
"Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household." Acts. 16:31